Our Reintegration Program is currently running at the Hudson County Correctional Facility (HCDOC) in Kearny, NJ.
We are have serviced around 600 invididuals in our program since its establishment in 2014.
Guazabara Insights Community Reintegration
The overall sum of productivity of each individual member of a community directly relates to the soundness and availability of present resources in place to habilitate that community. In order for individuals to find themselves in a state of full potentiality, the habilitation structures in place must guide persons to learn all they can of themselves, so that they may attain understanding to their purpose in life. In turn, the amounts of the community’s members who find themselves in dire straits also correlates to the amount of members in need of habilitation, and are institutionalized to become “re-habilitated” or “corrected”. The current structure in place in respect to correcting individuals is based on the philosophy that by placing these individuals in an institution directed at rehabilitating its occupants, they may be able to successfully re-integrate its members to their communities.
Our current educational and correctional institutions, specifically in underprivileged communities, lack programming directed to developing self-knowledge/actualization and cultural/historical understanding. While there are many programs in place to assist inmates, none would go further in assisting in the process of habilitation than to have an education structure in place that caters to self-knowledge, conscious understanding, and cultural awareness. These models of education would serve as the backdrop to any other form of education in place. Most offenders find themselves in a correctional institution due to drug addiction; highlighting the fact that most of the community is self-medicating. While others find themselves so displaced, and have no understanding of self, whatsoever, that many suffer from mental disorders or find themselves lashing out in an effort to be noticed.
Providing programming directed at self-knowledge, cultural understanding, and community awareness would endow participants with the opportunity to improve their physical, emotional and educational statuses as well as application in everyday life. Currently, there are many national initiatives in place including the Second Chance Act. The Second Chance Act goals are to assist in the “development, implementation, and strategization that will ensure the safety of the community and the reduction of serious, violent crime…by preparing targeted offenders to successfully return to their communities after having served a significant period of secure confinement in a correctional facility.”
Guazabara Insights, LLC Community Reentry program shall plug into the Phase 1 component of the Second Chance Act, as an institution based program, designed to prepare offenders to reenter their respective societies, by providing education aimed at increasing self-worth and pride, self-knowledge and actualization, and a sense of purpose that can be fulfilled in their immediate communities. Our Reentry program is aimed at providing inmates at your institution a sense self through self-knowledge workshops, improved relationships amongst inmates, officers, families, and their community at large, thus leading to decreases in hostility, depression and other mental/emotional disorders and alexithymia.